“Cheese is the soul of the soil. It is the purest and most romantic link between humans and the earth.” Pierre Androuet.
The challenge:
GK Chesterton: “The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.”
Voila: www.tastingtoeternity.com.
This book is a poetic view of 30 of the best loved French cheeses with an additional two odes to cheese. Recipes, wine pairing, three short stories and an educational section complete the book.
A unique and amusing Christmas present for all food lovers
This blog is meant to be a help to people in choosing children's books. It seems to me that in the world of adult books there no end of opportunities for recommendations. Author appearances on radio and TV talk shows, friends and colleagues, articles in magazines and newspapers as well as your own ability to tell a person helping you in a bookstore what other books you've enjoyed. Buying books for children is a whole different thing. Most people are overwhelmed by the number and variety of books available in a children's section of the bookstore. And truthfully it's a lot like the adult section...there's a fair amount of stuff in there thats not very good. In addition to myself I will be asking my follow staff members at both stores, also fellow children's book lovers to write about their favorites. What I hope to do here is wade through the many,many books released every quarter of every year and hopefully point out a few that in my opinion deserve to be given a home on your bookshelf and a place in your heart.
I have been a book store employee for
20 some odd years,
and am now the children book buyer for theBooks Etc's Store in Falmouth and Portland, Maine.
Childrens books are probably the area I am most familiar with and most comfortable making recommendations for.
I do however appear once a month on our local NBC affiliate wcsh6.com and recommend books on different topics for their evening show 207. In addition I review audio books for the magazine Audiofile for which I mainly do young adult titles, but some adult fiction and non-fiction as well.
The inspiration:
“Cheese is the soul of the soil. It is the purest and most romantic link between humans and the earth.” Pierre Androuet.
The challenge:
GK Chesterton: “The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.”
Voila: www.tastingtoeternity.com.
This book is a poetic view of 30 of the best loved French cheeses with an additional two odes to cheese. Recipes, wine pairing, three short stories and an educational section complete the book.
A unique and amusing Christmas present for all food lovers